Seacourt Tower and Retail Park, Oxford
11 acres on the edge of one of the world’s most innovative cities.
Oxford University has been recently ranked as the world’s best university. Four years in a row1.
The reality is that Oxford has always been in the world’s top tier since it started teaching in 1096.
For over 900 years, Oxford has been consistently contributing to the sum total of human knowledge across science, technology, medicine, economics and all the humanities.
Today, the city itself is a unique combination of world-beating research, innovation and education, tightly clustered in historic streets, squares, quads, greens and colleges, as well as in the latest R+D science parks on its outskirts.
In 2020, Brockton Everlast acquired a mixed-use office and retail park that sits less than 2 miles from the city centre and around one mile from both the train station and the Saïd Business School.
1Source: Times Higher Education ('THE'), World University Rankings 2020